The Power of Ingenious Rebel Leaders
Ingenious Rebel leaders are those leaders who challenge status quo and find innovative ways to improve their people personal and professional lives. The Ingenious Rebel Leaders have a great power that is developed through their style of leadership, bring their people together and use the power of that synergy. The prominent few examples are: John F Kennedy, Sr. Winston Churchill, and Steve Jobs.
We are living in a fast pace changing world that brings uncertainty, stress, and anxiety for managers, employees, clients, and stakeholders. Ingenious rebel leaders through their visionary style of leadership will see the unseen world and communicate their purpose, vision and goal clearly and effectively with their people. That brings high level of confidence to everyone in the company or organization and then to their clients. |
- This session that is specifically designed for leaders will give you the essential elements to build your strong personal and professional foundation.
- You will learn how to do effective communication with your people so they understand your purpose, vision, and goal and they articulate them among each other and with clients.
- How to avoid deadly mistakes that put leaders in the downward spiral of failure.
- How to survive and thrive during the challenging time then rise above again and even to a higher level.
The Neuroscience of Ingenious Rebel Leaders
The role of Ingenious Rebel Leaders in tough times and in improvement of any company, organization or country is undeniable. We all know some outstanding examples in different fields of life, business, and statesmanship in the history of the world.
The question is what is the difference between the Ingenious Rebel Leaders and the ordinary leaders? How their brains work? How they make decision? How they develop their vision? Why they become such an icon that people talk about them and respect them after many years or even centuries? What is their key to success? Can you crack the code to learn how you can be an Ingenious Rebel Leader?
The question is what is the difference between the Ingenious Rebel Leaders and the ordinary leaders? How their brains work? How they make decision? How they develop their vision? Why they become such an icon that people talk about them and respect them after many years or even centuries? What is their key to success? Can you crack the code to learn how you can be an Ingenious Rebel Leader?
You will learn how to:
- Develop mastery in decision making
- Move toward great leadership on the leadership spectrum
- Crack the code and learn about the neuroscience of the Ingenious Rebel Leaders
- Raise awareness to develop a clear vision through training your Reticular Activating System
- Develop the neuronal pathways similar to the ones the great Ingenious Rebel Leaders had/have
Why Leaders Fail & How to Turn Failure into Success?
There is only one main reason for failure: Ignorance. All other causes are subsidiary reasons.
Ignorance of the laws of leadership such as being driven by the purpose for the good of others and society, decision making mastery, determined to make it happen, and disciplined to execute the plan(s), is the only cause of failure.
The opposite of ignorance is education, I mean real education not schooling. Education teaches you the skill of draw within. It gives you the vision and the awareness of the leadership laws.
Ignorance of the laws of leadership such as being driven by the purpose for the good of others and society, decision making mastery, determined to make it happen, and disciplined to execute the plan(s), is the only cause of failure.
The opposite of ignorance is education, I mean real education not schooling. Education teaches you the skill of draw within. It gives you the vision and the awareness of the leadership laws.
How to be master in:
- Failing forward
- The laws of leadership
- Four cornerstones of leadership: driven, decisive, determined, and disciplined
- Turning any failure into the stepping stone for the next success and rise to the top
How Leaders Overcome Stress and
Turn It into Success?
Turn It into Success?
Leadership is a stressful position in its nature. Add the fast-changing world and high-level of uncertainty to the stressful nature of the leadership position and imagine how a leader can make harmony in own personal and professional life. Besides his/her own life, a leader is responsible for helping the subordinates making harmony in their lives and careers. The leader is also responsible for the success or failure of the company or organization.
The question is, in this new era or quick changes, uncertainty, and stressful world, how a leader can be certain, positive, and confidently overcome stress?
The truth is, if you really want to put your brain in action and train your brain cells to control the level of your stress hormones and make stress your friend, not enemy, you will be able to turn any stressful situation into success.
The question is, in this new era or quick changes, uncertainty, and stressful world, how a leader can be certain, positive, and confidently overcome stress?
The truth is, if you really want to put your brain in action and train your brain cells to control the level of your stress hormones and make stress your friend, not enemy, you will be able to turn any stressful situation into success.
You will learn how to:
- Master your brain function
- Reprogram your mind
- Restructure your neuronal pathways
- Take control of any situation in your life and business
- Create harmony (Balance) in your personal and professional life and live and work happily
The Power of Two & The Power of You
It is essential for leaders to understand that their power is from the followers. Remember that leadership is completely different than authority. People in authority position get their authoritative power from those who appoint them in that position. Leadership is by choice and the power comes from the people who choose to follow the leader.
Leadership is like a pyramid that the apex of the pyramid is held by the power of the people in the lower layers. If the foundation of a pyramid cracks or weakened the whole pyramid will be destabilized and the apex falls down inevitably.
Leadership is like a pyramid that the apex of the pyramid is held by the power of the people in the lower layers. If the foundation of a pyramid cracks or weakened the whole pyramid will be destabilized and the apex falls down inevitably.
You will learn about
- The true great leadership
- How to harness the power of people
- The power and the importance of synergy
- The meaning of teamwork and its significance
- The mysterious power of the Leadership Pyramid